Monday, November 21, 2011

New Development working group - preparation to respond to Valad's outline planning application

Dear Colleagues
Further to my email of last week.

We’ve had confirmation of the decision making process that will take place now the outline planning application has been submitted to RCT by the developers Valad.

1. There has been a large amount of documentation submitted. RCT are currently processing this so that it is in a form that can be placed on the RCT website for public access. This should be completed by the end of this week, 25 November.

2. When this in place RCT can start to organise the formal consultation processes through the normal posting of notices and placing announcements in the press.

3. These notices will request responses to be sent to the Council with 21 days. However, given the nature of the proposal late submissions are likely to be accepted running up to the final committee meeting where a decision will be made.

4. As soon as the documents are available we will let everyone know how to access them. All residents can make their own response to the planning application.
5. The new town development working group will make a ‘holding submission’, within the 21 days, based upon our existing submission. We will give RCT notice that we will make further and more detailed submissions that we will expect to be taken into consideration by officers and councillors before they make the final decision.

6. We hope to hold a public meeting before we send the working group's response to RCT.

7. RCT recognises that it is likely to take up to six months before a final decision is made.

If you have any questions please contact us.

All the very best


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