Date: 23rd
May 2012
Attendees: Len
Arthur, Ann Bennett, , Claire Williams
Apologies: Paul Griffiths, Margaret Griffiths, Rachel Saunders, Richard Billett, Jeff Woodington, Gwyn Jackson
Last times actions
Responses received back from Mark Jackson, Simon Gale and
Emma Leeke. Emma says she has a
meeting with the developer shortly and will update us on the outcome of that
Preparations for the Planning Committee Meeting(s)
Claire brought with her the spreadsheet, which has been
set up to help the group to form our thoughts for the Planning Committee
Specific Actions:
The “drop box” is now set up and working, if anyone has
any problems accessing the information please let Claire know.
Anyone who would rather the data be put onto a USB stick
to let Claire have one and she will sort this out.
In addition to this, Len has started compiling data from
the Office of National Statistics, which could help shape our arguments.
Ann to try and obtain a letter sent by the community council
to Sainsbury’s, and the group to draft a response to Sainsbury’s requesting
that they consider moving their store to the brown field site. – Update –
Claire to look through the documents handed over by Margaret to see if the
letter is there, then scan and send to Ann.
Claire to ensure that she emails Jim Bailey in the
Planning Office to outline the groups request to speak at the planning
meeting. Claire also to ask for
clarification on whether the hearing will only deal with phase 1 (i.e. the
Sainsbury’s detailed planning application) or the whole outline planning
application for the entire development, as this will have an impact on how we
prepare. Claire also noted that the
council only require 2 days notice to speak at the meeting.
Next meeting set for 7.30pm, 19th June 2012 –
Len will be away so venue to be agreed.
Reminder – social night out – 14th June at the
all you can eat Chinese restaurant – unfortunately Len will be unable to
attend as he will be on holiday.